Guide for Authors

The International Journal of Education and E-Learning Technology (iJEET) will cover new developments and applications that solve many of the education and technology issues related to education and eLearning. Files to be uploaded by the author:

  • Manuscript: Written in word (download template here) or preferably Latex format (download Template – will be available soon)
  • Include keywords 
  • All figures (include relevant captions under the figure and referenced with Fig. Number)
  • All tables (including titles above the table referenced with Table Number)
  • Any description and/or footnotes
  • Ensure all figure and table citations are correct.

The journal main publication is online. However, from time to time we may have a print version. Please, indicate clearly if any of your figures, or graphics in the paper must be printed in color. 

Further considerations 

  • Manuscript must have been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' 
  • All references cited in the paper must be in the Reference List and no reference should be in the Reference List and not available in the text. 
  • Permission of any copyrighted material is obtained from the copywrite owner. 
  • Authors must submit a cover letter indicating the innovation of the paper and include a statement of non-competing interest within the cover letter. 
  • Authors must confirm that they have reviewed the Journal policies detailed in this page.
  • Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on the journal requirements.


Article structure 

  • Divide your article into sections numbered (1, 2, 3, …etc.).
  • Subsections should be numbered (1.1, 1.2, 1.3…etc.) and subsubsections should be numbered (1.1.1, 1.1.2, ... etc.)
  • The abstract should not be part of the numbered sections.
  • Use the numbering for your cross referencing the text in the manuscript. Don't just refer to the text alone.
  • Heading should appear on separate lines.
  • Appendices should be named (A, B, C … etc.).
  • Formulas and equations in the article should be numbered sequentially.
  • Tables, figures, formulas and equations in appendices should numbered with reference to the respective appendix (for example, Eq.A1). 
  • Authors are encouraged to submit a short biography (maximum 100 words) for each author, along with a passport-type photograph.



Title should be informative and relevant to the topic and should not contain abbreviations or formulas. 


Author names and affiliations

Please clearly indicate the full names of each author starting with the first name then the surname.  Author affiliation should be written in the footnote including the full postal address of the institution where the work was actually done. Email address of each author or ORCID is optional for all the users except for the corresponding author; his email must be included.

Corresponding author

He will be responsible for all communication during the review and publication processes. He will be also responsible for answering any future inquiries regarding the article. Ensure that the corresponding author email address is given and kept up to date. 


The abstract should state clearly the aim of the research, the methods used, the innovation in the paper, and summarizes the results and major findings. It should standalone as a separate document. Please steer clear from citation in the abstract. If necessary, the name and year must be included. Abbreviations should be avoided but if they appear in the text, they should be defined at their first instance in the abstract. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.


Please list exactly 6 relevant keywords using American spelling. These words will be used for indexing the paper for the search engines. Avoid abbreviations unless firmly established in the field. Additionally, plural terms and multiple concepts in a single keyword such as using ('and', 'or', …etc.) are not favorable.


Tables must appear with titles above the table, labeled and numbered sequentially as (Table 1, Table 2, …etc.).


Figures must appear with captions below the figure and numbered sequentially as (Fig.1, Fig.2, …etc.).


References must be numbered in the order of appearance through the article text as ([1], [2], [3], …etc.). They must match the ones in the bibliography list which should be written in the same order as the text.

Supplementary material

iJEET encourages authors to submit additional material such as art work, graphics, excel files, presentations, mobile applications, and sound clips. Please ensure to include a description for each supplementary material.  

Fees and Payment Process

iJEET Journal is an open access journal. Researchers are encouraged to submit their work to the journal. The fees go towards keeping the journal site alive and towards the admin work required to process your manuscript. All our editorial board, and peer reviewers are volunteering to review the articles submitted. Therefore, the journal fees are:

  • Sixty dollars ($ 60) for students from anywhere in the world. The student author will need to provide a proof of being a student and show his affiliation to a university.
  • One hundred and twenty dollars ($ 120) for anyone from a developing country who is not a student. 
  • Two hundred and forty dollars ($ 240) for the rest of the world. 

Payment can be made online through our payment gateway here

Fee waiver or discount is also available upon request in very specific circumstances and available at the discretion of the journal manager (contact here).